There are a number of things to take into account as your organization considers a lighting upgrade project. Some items to consider are:
In order for any lighting upgrade project to be successful, the contractor must know and be familiar with the existing lighting conditions within the facility. As part of the Essential Lighting Solutions proposal design, we’ll complete a facility-wide lighting audit. This audit includes a complete site walk and documentation of all lighting types, by area. Completion of the lighting audit allows our team to determine mounting types and mounting height as well as general working conditions. Having this information in advance is a successful lighting upgrade.
Aside from general lamp depreciation, there are often changes that result in the need for improved lighting. Often, we see a building that was initially designed for a warehouse operation converted to a manufacturing facility. In a case like this, the original lighting often doesn’t provide high enough light levels for employees to perform their intended tasks. Essential Lighting Solutions will work with the client to ensure the proposed lighting system design will address the lighting need for their specific operation.
Aside from general lamp depreciation, there are often changes that result in the need for improved lighting. Often, we see a building that was initially designed for a warehouse operation converted to a manufacturing facility. In a case like this, the original lighting often doesn’t provide high enough light levels for employees to perform their intended tasks. Essential Lighting Solutions will work with the client to ensure the proposed lighting system design will address the lighting need for their specific operation.
A leading consideration for a lighting upgrade project is the lifetime financial savings of the new lighting system. The primary factor in determining these savings is the net wattage reduction. By replacing high wattage fluorescent, HID and halogen lighting with new LED lighting products, the energy savings often exceed 50%.
Additional savings are realized as a result of reduced maintenance costs. LED lighting products have a significantly greater life than older lighting technologies. Because of the longer life and increased reliability, there will be no costs associated with replacement of failed lamps or ballasts.
As with any technology, LED lighting is ever-evolving and evaluating current lighting types can be daunting to a business owner. On a regular basis, our company hosts representatives from any number of lighting manufacturers to stay on top of technological improvements. Common changes include improved lighting efficiencies, improved lumens/watt, and aesthetic improvements.
As important as any other portion of the lighting project is who will complete your project. Choosing a lighting contractor that self-performs their own work is critical. By staffing a lighting project with full-time employees, the client is assured that the contractor is 100% accountable…start to finish. With Essential Lighting Solutions, all of our crew members are full-time employees of our company. Each crew is led by a project manager that has been involved with all aspects of the project development process.